August Monthly Progress Report

We hope you had a wonderful summer 🌻

We're moving full steam ahead here at Tim's Club, and we have some exciting updates from August to share with you!

Planning for our first fundraiser

We're gearing up to host the first major fundraiser for Tim's Club this fall. We couldn't be more excited about getting the word out and raising as much money as we can! If we hit our fundraising goal, we'll be able to move forward with our first major milestone - to purchase the beautiful piece of land we've found here in Panama by the end of 2023. 

The land we've chosen is spacious, in a prime location, and will easily accommodate all the structures and outdoor activities we have planned 🌴

Our plan is to get 10 high-profile online creators & influencers to donate a product (like a course or a workshop) around the theme of “Creators Give Back.” We’ll sell all their products as a limited-time bundle, and do a 5-day promotional campaign to build as much exposure as we can. We're going to have all the contributors confirmed in the next couple of weeks and will host this campaign during the week of October 23rd.

We'd love to have your support spreading the word when the time comes, and if you have a close connection with a creator who has a large audience and might be a good fit, please hit reply and let us know!  

We’re excited about what we can achieve with our first major fundraising campaign, and we can't wait to share more details with you soon. 

Designing our programs

One of the most exciting parts of our journey with Tim's Club so far has been figuring out what kinds of programs we want to offer our future members. 

I recently had a meeting with Samiah, who works with Tim in his day program in Canada. She was incredibly generous with her time and expertise, and gave me some hugely helpful recommendations about which activities we should include. 

One new idea Samiah shared was adding a swimming pool to our property. Swimming is one of the most accessible forms of exercise, and we can design a pool that works for people with physical disabilities. She said swimming days are always a huge hit in their program, and considering how hot it is in Panama, we’ve decided to add this to our plan. 


Here's what we're planning to create for our members 👇

Our next workshop

Our next live workshop in support of Tim’s Club was Developing Habits + Routines that Stick 🙌

I love talking about habits and routines. I believe they're the secret to achieving our big dreams because they help us keep moving forward even on the days we don't feel motivated to take action.  If this is something you've struggled with in the past, this workshop may be for you!

Here’s what we covered in the workshop:

  • How to identify your biggest priorities and design habits + routines that will support you

  • How to create a digital or paper habit tracker that helps you stay motivated and moving forward

  • Strategies and tips that will help you maintain your habits and make a lasting change

You can join us with the replay for just $10, and 100% of all proceeds will go towards Tim's Club. 

🎥 You can get all of the details and purchase the replay here

If you have any questions, ideas, advice, or encouragement as we continue bringing Tim's Club to life - we’d love to hear from you any time!


Louise & team

Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.

September Monthly Progress Report


July Monthly Progress Report